Plum Clafoutis

Two months ago I presented to you the delicious “Apple & pear clafoutis”, a recipe from Christophe Felder. Really good clafoutis! I never thought of baking clafoutis before, but I think I made 4 of them in 2 months ^^. So you can see how it’s a success with me!

But then, as I like to try new things (especially to make things easier, I must tell you :p), I slightly modified the original recipe. And all of this to get a delicious result too, win!

Lucie asked me for the recipe ;) and since I took 2-3 photos during the cooking, here is a short illustrated article :)

For one clafoutis in my way, you will need:
  • About 15 plums
  • 30g maïzena
  • 20g flour
  • 120g sugar
  • 2 packets of vanilla sugar (so about 24g)
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 2 eggs
  • 15cl whipping cream
  • 20cl milk

Then, I followed the same steps as in C. Felder’s recipe:

Start by mixing all the dry ingredients: the maïzena, the flour, the sugar, the vanilla sugar and the pinch of salt. Then add the beaten eggs and mix. Pour the whipping cream and the milk and mix again.

Then grease a plain round baking tin with some butter or cover it with a baking sheet. This time I used a smaller greased baking tin and 4 small individual jars (so cute :p).

Cut the plums in two, remove the stones and put them into the baking tin. Then gently pour the batter on top of it.


Bake for about 40 minutes at 200°C (to be adjusted depending on your oven …). Keep an eye on the baking because if you use small jars as I did, it will be quicker!

Let cool down onto a wire rack and serve well cool (after a night in the fridge).


There was some whipped cream nearby… Even if I didn’t dare added it when I tasted this clafoutis for the first time ^^, I dared for the other times :p Whipped cream goes very well with the clafoutis, you really should try it :p

Enjoy :)


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