You did it! #04

You did a lot of things last week, that’s great! I received a lot of mails with good pictures and comments :) Keep it up!

Therefore to end this day, I’m glad to present to you the dishes that Claire cooked the week before for the menu that she called “100% Rose”.

So to start, we have the mozzarella nuggets!

Well browned, I’m hungry by this time :p

Claire accompanied those little mouthfuls with some green salad and soup for diner. They loved it and found that was “a surprising way to eat mozzarella”. For this evening, the mozzarella nuggets were even more successful than the goat ones! That’s classy ^^. And that without adding spices to the breadcrumb dressing!

Some more were done once again the day after :) As Claire told me, we must say: this is so easy to make!

And finally to end the meal, that will be the unbeatable apple “moelleux”! Also made by Do a few day ago :)

Claire slightly modified the original recipe because of a lack of white sugar (it happens, I forgive you ^^): 100g white sugar + 50g brown sugar. Still so smooth :) 

The cake was very successful (quick success but strong :p). And having no fat in the “moelleux”, except maybe for the yolks, really seduced Claire, as they seduced me!

A big thanks to you for this great honor of the “100% ‘me’” menu ^^. Don’t hesitate to do it again and keep me posted :p

Bon appétit blogger friends!


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